About Us
Why we are different
To truly bring about transformative change in education, we have to invest socially in young people.
This is why we have established a social investment team to work with children and young people to achieve their potential in school, at home and in the community.
What We Do
The school is open 50 weeks of the year 7 days a week up to 14 hours a day.
200 children and young people take part in holiday programmes throughout the school holidays
Up to 40 Voluntary Community Faith sector organisations deliver their services from the Academy
Nearly 500 older community members attend our heritage and social activities organised as part of the ‘Once Upon a Time’ project.
Over 1400 residents of all ages attend these community groups at MCA outside of school hours
Our Family Zone includes MCA and 16 Primary Schools stretching across North Manchester, working together to support children, their siblings and families from cradle to career. Click here to see all the family zone schools
350 adults attend MCA to gain accredited qualifications. Over half are parents of pupils from Family Zone schools
9 Forest Schools across the Family Zone open to the community. click here to find out more