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Urban Crew Enterprise Day 2022

The Urban Crew is a successful collaboration between MCA and Northwards Housing that has now been running for over 10 years. We work with local primary schools across North Manchester to engage Y5 & Y6 pupils in a citizenship programme where they complete a number of activities which must be evidenced in order to achieve an ASDAN accreditation. This year we have 11 primary schools taking part with a total of 110 students.

In order to complete the Enterprise challenge from their ASDAN workbooks, For the first time in two years we were very excited to welcome all 110 children and their teachers who joined us at MCA on Friday 25th March to take part in the Enterprise Day where each of the groups get to run their own business for the day.

Upon arrival, a member from each group chose an envelope at random to decide who would be making what. All the resources they needed were then provided and they all set off to work, designing posters and banners, deciding on a price list and making their products. Each group spent the morning designing and creating a variety of things from Mother’s day inspired cards and wind chimes to gift bags, coasters, keyrings and door hangers.

After a break for lunch, the market place opened where all our MCA staff and students from the Feel Good Friday programme were provided with five Urban Crew Dollars to spend. As always the competition was fierce with the children using their best sales techniques to ensure they sold all that they made. It was fantastic to see some of the quieter children come out of their shell here, as the volume level increased. Many stalls sold out and this was confirmed by the big roar from each group after they sold their last product. This was a great achievement by the groups as they all made about 50-60 products to sell.

Finally, the day came to a close with awards given out to three of our teams –

Manchester Communication Primary Academy won the award for most profit with their ‘Under The Sea’ themed Fridge Magnets

St Mary’s won best sales with their Badges

Holy Trinity, who made very creative Bookmarks, were judged winners of best teamwork.

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