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Community development is at the heart of buzz Manchester Health & Wellbeing Service, focusing on supporting residents of local communities to take control of their health and wellbeing in ways that interest and excite them. From gardening projects to knitting groups, buzz is bringing Manchester communities together through common interests that in turn benefit residents’ physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Neighbourhood Health Workers are central to buzz’s approach, there are 12 of them, one covering each of the 12 neighbourhoods in the City of Manchester. There are also specialist Neighbourhood Health Workers whose role it is to specifically engage with older people and families with young children. By talking to local residents and getting to know them, buzz workers are able to find out what health and wellbeing initiatives people want to see in their neighbourhoods and support them in making these happen.

buzz’s team of specialist Age Friendly workers work across the 12 Manchester neighbourhoods, championing more age friendly activity, linking in with other local services and older residents to ensure they can age well within their local communities.  

The team, Megan Simon and Yasmin, work alongside Manchester City Council to support the delivery of the Age Friendly Manchester Strategy, and key to this is the ongoing support and development of ‘Age Friendly Networks’ in each neighbourhood. The networks bring together older people’s services and community groups to share information on current challenges for the over 50’s which can be explored in a more joined up way.

Key to the Age Friendly work is to ensure older residents have the opportunity to share their views and take a leading role in generating ideas for new health and wellbeing projects in their own communities.

buzz has adapted the way is works since the COVID-19 outbreak, with the Age Friendly team focusing on promoting their work through local radio, producing a digital support guide for older Manchester residents, and distributing wellbeing packs to older residents within communities, to name just a few examples of ongoing work.


If you’re interested in speaking with the team or getting involved with an Age Friendly Network, then please get in touch!


Social Media:

Follow us on Twitter @buzzmanc


Age Friendly Contact Details:

Megan Brown (South Locality)               



Simon Kitchin (North Locality)                



Yasmin Holgeth (Central Locality)            


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